Social Programme

20 July (Sunday) 5:00pm to 7:00pm: Registration and Refreshments
- in the foyer of the Schuster Laboratory of the University of Manchester (building number 54 on the campus map.) For latecomers, registration will be possible throughout the conference at the conference help desk.
21 July (Monday) evening, 7:00pm: Welcome Reception
- in the Great Hall of Manchester's spectacular
Town Hall,
on the Albert Square in the City Centre.
23 July (Wednesday) afternoon: Excursion
Possible outings:
- Chatsworth/
- A hike in the Peak District.
- York
24 July (Thursday) evening: Conference Dinner
at Old Trafford,
home of Manchester United Football Club
- in the Great Hall of Manchester's spectacular
Town Hall,
on the Albert Square in the City Centre.
Possible outings:
- Chatsworth/
- A hike in the Peak District.
- York
at Old Trafford, home of Manchester United Football Club